
Find your dream job in Europe.Germany.the Netherlands.Sweden.Canada.the UK.remote firms.

Are you a software engineer, data scientist, or product manager?

Join our digital boot camp. Meet a career coach, find a tech job in Europe & more.

Powered by 950+ Tech Companies

among which...

Our Fellows love us

Imagine has been very helpful in rebuilding my CV and LinkedIn profile to be more attractive and my coaches have given me insights into the interview process and how to approach it.

– Richard from Nigeria

→ see many of our coaches

Before I met you, I sent more than 200 applications & got rejected so many times. Thanks for your support, Team Imagine! Is Muenster a good place to raise a family?

– Ahmed from Alexandria, now with Check24 in Muenster/Germany. → read his story

Thanks for your Talent Airlift program, and thanks for not treating us as numbers. Sincere guidance, support, and kindness.

– Arash from Afghanistan, now in Germany

→ read his story

As a German Nigerian, I've coached a lot of developers and product folks from Nigeria. If you avoid a few basic mistakes, you can find remote work with global companies, too!

– Adibeli from Nigeria, now in Berlin/Germany

→ see her do's and don'ts

We've trained 5.000+ and placed more than 400 Global Talents from these countries in Europe

We've placed 400+ Global Tech Talents in Europe

from these countries & more


We're supporting more than 10 roles:

BackendData engineeringData scienceTest automationMobileProduct mgmtEngineering mgmtSRE/Network/DevOpsCyber securityData analystmore to come

🎯 Get personal 360° feedback

🎯 Get 360° feedback

Getting many rejections & don't know why? Our 360° feedback is a personalized, 15-page document that shows you your strengths, areas for development, and lots of best practice tips & tricks.

Hear from Youssef - نسمع من يوسف

👩 Meet your career coach

👩 Meet your coach

Our 50+ volunteer career coaches are the heart and soul of Imagine. Meet one of them for a free 30min session.

Get feedback on your CV, Linkedin & more. Learn how European recruiters think, and who they hire.

→ See some of our coaches

🚀 5x your job success

Be featured on our Fellows Platform and be instantly visible to 800+ hiring partners.

Add our personalized letter of recommendation to your applications.

400+ Fellows hired. Will you be next?

-> See our latest job wins on Linkedin

✨ Get full App access

Our app curates jobs that are:

  • from Imagine Partner firms
  • where our Fellows work now
  • fresh on the market
  • English-first, no German
  • Open to visa sponsorship
  • Updated 24/7

-> Apply to get access


Simple Programs

Join a community of 5000+ Imagine Fellows and Alumni. Kick it off with our free digital boot camp. It's self-paced and takes 5-10h of your time. We've seen people get job offers within 10 days after graduation. ✌️ seriously.

Imagine Free

€0 /forever

360° degree feedback

30 min career coaching

CV & Linkedin feedback

Imagine Jobs App

Letter of Recommendation*

Invite to join Fellows platform*

* for all graduating as Fellows

Imagine Next+

invite-only /join after free

All in the free program

+ Unlimited career coaching

+ Unlimited app access

+ Technical coaching

+ Interview coaching

+ Weekly personalized jobs

+ Unlimited referral letters

+ Featured on our jobs page

& more...

Why Imagine?

Meet Amr, Youssef, Ashraf, Victoria & Fernanda.

Our promise: We invest in your success. Getting there will be a marathon. Finishing it will not be easy. But we are with you. As your coach and running mate.

→ Apply now

→ 5min EU Visa Check

Get a job as a Softwarenginer in Europe

© 2018-2023 Imagine Foundation e.V. Made with 🤍 in Berlin.