2022 has been another year of turbulence and oppression in the world. It's also been a year in which many people went beyond their boundaries, real and imagined ones. They rose to the challenge to spread some hope and lend a hand to those facing adversity in their lives. At Imagine, you - as part of our movement beyond borders - helped us do our little share. Thank you.
All of this is only possible because of you. In life, it's easy to get distracted and check out. You didn't. In 2022, you have lent your belief, your time, your support, and your energy to this joint endeavor we call Imagine - Talent without Borders.
With gratitude for your support, and warm wishes for 2023 for you and your loved ones.
- Your Friends at Imagine
All donations are tax-deductible in Germany. Imagine Foundation e.V. | IBAN: DE07 4306 0967 1227 6098 00 | GLS Bank
© 2018-2022 Imagine Foundation e.V. Made with 🤍 in Berlin.
Imagine is a recognized NGO